Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gouda - It's More Than Cheese

And it's correctly prounounced "How-dah" with the H sounding like that "phlem-H" in Hanakkua.  Gouda is a wonderful medieval town about a half hour from The Hague.  It seems to have three major things to see (besides the cheese-weighing festival held ever 28 June through 20 September);
(1)  Den Waag (the weighing-house), (2) Gouda Stadhuis (the city hall) and (3) Den Mollen (the windmill).

First, the most impressive of the three - the Staadhuis.  It's the oldest Gothic city hall in the Netherlands and that's really saying something. It was completed in 1450 and is still Gouda's City Hall.  Christopher Columbus wasn't even born yet and Gouda's city council was meeting here. It still does.

 Linnea as burgermeister of Gouda

Windmills in Holland have names.  The one in Gouda is called Molen De Roode Leeuw  which simply means The Red Lion Windmill. It was built in 1727 and is still fully operational, wooden gears and all, although it grinds mostly souvenir flour. 

Some shots around Gouda:


The Cheese-weighing house

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