Monday, October 3, 2011

Did I mention bicycles?

A bicycle parking lot, Den Haag.


  1. Wow. Makes searching for your car in a parking lot look easy.

    Have you hopped on a bike yet? I imagine it must be a bit intimidating if you haven't ridden a bike in awhile to see women pedaling around in skirts and high heels while texting.

    Did Linnea start work on Monday? Do you seek out restaurants for dinner? I assume there must be a small kitchen in your house.

    Well, too many questions. Looking forward to more posts!

  2. Scott here,
    That is one big bunch of bikes. Nice pics. Are you getting out and about much yet? Going to do any plein aire painting?

    Tomorrow is my first trip to the Occupy Sacramento demonstration in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street demos in NY and all around the country. Maybe this is the start of the "American Fall." As in the season fall I mean. Like Arab Spring you know.

    We got our first good rain last night and Ellen built our first fire in the stove tonight. Nice and cozy warm.

  3. Great to hear from you guys. I miss you both. Be sure to check out the photos of our trip to Delft.

    Yes, I ride a bike to go grocery shopping and generally to get around the area. For longer jaunts I like to take a trolly. The Hague has the best public transportation system I've ever experienced. You can take a local trolly all the way to Delft, which is what we did yesterday. We could use an electric rail system like this in Placer County.

