Monday, October 3, 2011


After what seemed like an endless flight (9 hours of turbulence between Seattle and Amsterdam) while stuffed in accommodations the size of a baby car seat (with about three centimeters of legroom), we arrived at Amsterdam Schiphol airport on 30 October at around 09:00.

The food aboard our KLM Royal Dutch flight was great.  Linnea ordered for me a vegetarian meal.  I was served a well-prepared favorite north Indian dish, Baingan Bharta, with paneer mixed in and a side dish of Bashmati rice.   Unfortunately, it came with a sticky inner sole-sized slab of moist cardboard pretending to be naan.

Really nice city, the Hague.  

We live in a tiny two-story converted 19th century carriage house located in the upscale Staatenkwartier district near Scheveningen beach. (see us on Google Earth by typing in the address: Frankenslag 16, 2582 HR, Den Haag, Netherlands). 

                                                                                        Our House

Right off I noticed lots of very tall, very blond, very fair blue-eyed and healthy-looking Dutch women, all on bicycles. They are everywhere, some even peddling around in skirts and heels, others riding while texting on cell phones. And that takes talent. 

We're living a ten minute walk from our neighborhood shopping street, Frederick Hendricklaan, which locals simply call "The Fred".  The whole area for blocks around is filled with beautiful old art nouveau brick homes and small family-run shops and groceries.  Besides the bicycles, there are electric trolleys everywhere.

                                                                                       "The Fred"

There's an amazingly diverse population in the Hague.  It seems to be composed of Africans, Indonesians, the Dutch, East Indians, Americans, Brits, Germans and unclassifiable swarthy folks who look like me. :-D


1 comment:

  1. The flight sounds miserable, except for the meal. Glad to hear you're settling in.

    That little house is really cute.

    The Fred sounds like a very interesting area. I'll be looking forward to hearing about your explorations.

    Did you snap those pictures with your new camera? Nice photos!
